SPM configuration for quick start-up in small and medium-sized plants.

Кросс-классовое ( ERPSCM MES BI) solution based on classical methodologies

MRP II, APS, Lean, TOC, advanced methods SCM, авторских наработок.

Основано на нашей большой и сложной системе СПМ (Lean ERP SCMo) и позволяет вашей системе управления эволюционировать по мере роста предприятия.

It provides specially configured cross-class (ERP-SCM-MES-BI) software based on classic methodologies-MRP-II, Lean, TOC, advanced SCM methods, author's developments, and based on our" large and complex " Lean system for quick start-up for small and medium-sized production businesses ERP SCMo/SPM.


For small manufacturing businesses (dozens of people) and nationalized workshops of large factories

Master Data

Demand management

  • orders from customers with different status;
  • forecasts;
  • re-order point (non-reduced balance, reserve, insurance/buffer stock);
  • the main production plan, including taking into account the analysts of different needs consolidated in the releases of the OPP;
  • internal orders (requests),
  • production tasks of various types (PrP. CCD),ПрП, ПЗС);
  • projects.
  • determination of the possible product release date at the time of order acceptance (taking into account resources),
  • maintaining forecasts of demand for commonly used Assembly units / PKI, with the absorption of forecasts by placed real orders and "parental needs";
  • calculation of product production under the release cycle,
  • balancing output based on long-term capacity utilization,
  • monitoring the status of orders, including those provided to the client,
  • configuration and shipment management.


  • by algorithms APS (Infinite/Finite), MRP (classic / custom), MRP-c;
  • by the release or launch cycle of parts, assembly units, and products;
  • taking into account stocks in the internal and external production and logistics chain:
    • distributed (under demand directions, customers, orders, order lines, instances),
    • in expected arrivals for orders to suppliers ("on the way..", etc.),
    • release plans for production tasks include;
  • taking into account the capacity constraints of production resources in bottlenecks or across all resources;
  • taking into account time and quantity buffers;
  • with the formation of 2 versions of plans:
    • directive plan — "Just in time", on time and in a quantity that meets demand;
    • settlement plan-with estimated expected order dates (based on the status "for today");
  • based on launch / release priorities.

Performance management

  • Start-up management, including pull-up, for external and internal demand, with restrictions on the "start window" and "overflow" (queues or production resources), restrictions for the next few days/shifts (ConWIP*, ConLoad algorithms).
  • Formation of production tasks. Different types for different production stages:
    • for machining/assembly shops/sites,
    • for harvesting operations, short-cycle DSE,
    • for complex / long-term (days, weeks) builds.
  •  Accounting for production progress:
    • by precinct, by shift. In general, or up to the level of operations, performers,
    • using digital input,
    • with "loops" for cooperation/services (without breaking the route), etc.
  • With inventory management (ready-made DSE), including buffer warehouses / storerooms (before assembly).
  • launch management (creating orders for suppliers);

  • tracking orders by stages of the supply chain (preparation of an order / contract – approval/payment — placement with a supplier – production by a cooperative operator – transportation — entrance control, etc.);

  • acceptance to the warehouse, complete set for the launch plan, transfer to production;

  • automatic transfer of information to 1C for accounting.


  • "Order readiness" — monitoring of the status of orders (directive/estimated date, deviation, % of readiness for the main stages: procurement — procurement — machining — assembly).
  • "Synchronicity" of the work of sites, equipment, and supplies in order to implement "Just-in-time" execution of orders.
  • "Order by supply chain" (internal, external by MZK) and "Where is the part".
  • Planned, actual, and estimated Gantt chart of order fulfillment.
  • Direct production cost:  
    • planned, by material component, direct labor and direct overhead costs,
    • actual, accumulated at the moment, calculated, taking into account the actual.


User features