The new version of Lean ERP SCMo is SPM 3.5.0.


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As part of continuous development, a new version of our "Production ERP" is being prepared for release — SPM 3.5.0. At the request of new and existing customers, as well as, as part of the overall improvement of management methodologies and the technology stack, the new version will include the following main new functions, blocks and modules.

Управление сборкой сложных (длинноцикловых) изделий, в т.ч. экспериментальных. Функции планирования, управления сборкой, новые объекты исполнения (Производственное Задание на сборку — ПЗС). 

Shift distribution of work, shift-daily tasks, for the specifics of managing the production of large batches of long-cycle DSE.

Advanced management of "phantom" builds. Now there will be two types of phantoms in the SPM.

Simple phantom - phantom assemblies "as in classic ERP systems "(MRP-II methodology). I.e., a standard solution when a group of components is replaced by one "virtual" phantom, which breaks down into components when put into production. Nesting is unlimited.


Complex Phantom – the structure of the TSI, which turns into a separate SubPrP (child production task) when it is put into production. Thus, the issue of an SMS goes directly to the write-off of the parent of this SMS.

Automatic configuration and automatic decommissioning for production at the launch or release of DSE (classic-forward-and backflashing).

Regression testing is currently underway.

As usual, as part of the new tech.The new version of the SPM 3 stack will be available to all customers on RIGHTSTEP support immediately after release. The planned deadline is the last week of February.

The update will be installed and data migration will be performed automatically, without the need for customers to rewrite their specifics and/or adjust their data / reporting.

The following functionality is planned to be included in the next versions (3.5.1 and later)::

  1. Развитие средств управления с использованием мобильных устройств,
  2. Простые функции для дальнейшего упрощения производств, управляемых по Канбан (усовершенствованная «Доска Канбан», автоматический расчет количества карточек в обращении, печать канбан, задание «Точно Вовремя»).