NIPK Electron
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Тип проекта
Консалтинговый проект: аудит процессов в производственном контуре и в смежных с ним подсистемах управления. Разработка модели производственной системы предприятия, стратегия и направление ее развития в перспективе.
НИПК «Электрон» является крупнейшим российским разработчиком и производителем рентгенодиагностического оборудования и программных решений для здравоохранения. На сегодняшний день компания обладает технологиями, которые по многим параметрам превосходят существующие в мире аналоги.

The company's existing line of digital X-ray diagnostic equipment includes devices for examining the chest organs, X-ray machines, universal X-ray diagnostic complexes (including remote-controlled ones), and X-ray surgical devices.

Cooperation with our company began in 2008, when NIPK Electron was faced with the task of implementing a new enterprise management system. A practical seminar "Modern concepts of industrial enterprise management, or a few good ideas for management" was held.
At the beginning of 2013, NIPK Electron was faced with the urgent need to improve the enterprise management system, and in particular, production management (a feature of the enterprise is a pronounced seasonality of demand and a high share of uncertainty about the launch of final products in the low season).
As part of the consulting project, our consultants conducted an audit of processes in the production circuit and in adjacent management subsystems, the level of meeting the needs of these subsystems of the IT component of the enterprise. The result of diagnostics was the development of a model of the production system (PS of the enterprise, strategy and directions of its development in the medium term):
- requirements for organizing the processes of demand management (including demand modeling), planning (production and procurement), and monitoring are defined;
- special attention is paid to building a system of employee motivation (through the development of KPIs);
- recommendations are given for the development of IT systems that discuss these business processes, both with the use and modification of existing systems, and options with the introduction of new, advanced developments.