MMZ Vperyod JSC

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Тип проекта

Постановка методологии системного планирования и мониторинга производства, разработка функциональных требований, подготовка НСИ в специальном модуле СПМ — «PDM Light». Внедрение SPM (Lean ERP SCMo), сквозная кооперационная производственно-логистическая цепочка поставок двух заводов, участвующих в одних неразрывных процессах.   Интеграция со смежными ИС.

Московский машиностроительный завод «Вперёд» — современное промышленное предприятие, лидер в производстве рулевых винтов и лопастей к ним для вертолетов семейства «Ми».

Today, the plant is capable of mass-producing blades and wind wheels for wind turbines in large quantities. The first order for the production of a set of blades with a length of 6 meters was fulfilled by the plant back in 2000, confirming its status as a pioneer in the wind power industry in Russia.

ММЗ "Вперед"
ММЗ "Вперед"
ММЗ "Вперед"

The plant has a full technological cycle of production - from foundry to assembly and testing. A fairly large range of manufactured products, with different cycles and levels of nesting. From hundreds to thousands of items of components included in the product.

Project Features: 

Работы по внедрению Системы планирования и мониторинга (СПМ) велись в тесной связке с параллельно реализуемым проектом в OKB Kristall.

One of the tasks assigned to the Rightstep team was the implementation of an effective interaction scheme between OKB Kristall and MMZ VPERYOD: a cross-cutting cooperative production and logistics supply chain of factories that are different legal entities, but physically participate in the same inseparable processes.  

The project was initiated as one of the main ones within the framework of the transformations that began at the plants (reconstruction and restructuring of the plant). In order to modernize them and increase their efficiency.

Tasks of the Planning and Monitoring System (SPM):
  • synchronization of information and material flows of production and procurement for orders (planning model: "development and production-under-order", "production-to-warehouse"),
  • autonomy of operational management processes,
  • providing line and senior managers with prompt and reliable monitoring of what is happening along the entire order fulfillment chain.
Stages of implementation of the SPM implementation project:
  • Development of functional requirements — definition of the concept (methods, processes, basic requirements for the IT system).
  • NSI preparation – collection, normalization, "cleaning" and reconciliation of reference and regulatory data.


Almost always, when implementing a serious planning system, we start by working out the concept of maintaining an NSI, as well as ensuring its clear and consistent maintenance.


  • Transfer of product composition management functions to the SPM. Transfer of work of employees of the plant's Chief Technologist Department to the SPM (PDM-light SPM module).

To quickly resolve the issue with NSI, without waiting for the introduction of a" full — fledged "PDM, we organized the work of specialists of OGT plants in a special SPM module - "PDM Light", which provides input and maintenance of product compositions (SI) with the maximum approximation to the selected production management model.
The methodological task that is being solved and solved in this case is the transition from a "purely technological" approach to the management of SI (TSI) to the formation of real, production compositions (PSI), and with a structure that supports existing and changing production practices.

Управление спросом и планирование. Ведение прогнозов спроса и заказов клиентов, планирование производства и МТС (с упрощенными функциями управления запасами закупаемых ТМЦ и запасами в производстве). Мониторинг.
  • Launch of production management. Start-up management, production batch formation, production configuration, production progress accounting, document management, including monitoring.
  • Purchasing management. Launch management, procurement management in the SCM methodology, including monitoring.
  • Demand management. Setting up processes, including modeling functions — determining the possibility and timing of order fulfillment based on loading bottlenecks. Automation of modeling in the medium and long term.
Goal: based on the pool of available orders and forecasts of their receipt, to balance demand with the loaded resource capacity of the enterprise.
The project was successfully completed, the system of planning and monitoring of SPM in industrial operation.
Further development

Implementation of the following areas of SPM development has been started or in the near future:

  • Automation of accounting functions using SPM tools for digital input (based on barcoding).
  • Calculation of planned and actual production costs based on direct costs.
  • Organization of an electronic archive of design and technological documentation (drawings, instructions on technical processes, etc.), with the provision of operational access to personnel directly from the SPM.
  • Transfer of the production performance assessment system from monthly to daily synchronicity indicators.
  • Detailed production planning and management, up to the operational level.
  • Integration with related ICS, the implementation of which began in parallel with the SPM project: 1C, PDM-system (SW), digital monitoring system for equipment operation (AIS "Dispatcher").