Start of the SPM project at the Bormash heat exchange and storage equipment plant


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At the BORMASH enterprise in the Voronezh Region, a comprehensive project for setting up a methodology and implementing IT support based on the SPM of BORMASH plant management processes was launched.


The company's industry specialization is the development and production of custom-made heat exchange, storage, ventilation, equipment for the petrochemical, mining, metallurgical, and energy industries.

This SPM implementation project is interesting not only for its industry specialization.


For this type of enterprise that manufactures complex-technological machine-building products, with the need for daily rescheduling and detailed "plan-fact" control for each order, SPM is perfect.


We would like to note that the plant management prepared for the project thoroughly: the working group was formed in advance.


After consulting with RIGHTSTEP and getting acquainted with the "cases" we offer (similar demo examples and specific real enterprises using SPM), we launched a number of initiatives to prepare the necessary additional information on technical routes, redevelopments, times, etc.


We also reviewed the prospects for continuing to adapt the existing " ERP " system, which is "not too good"in the basic configuration for complex resource allocation, determining complex multi-level products and their manufacturing routes, planning and other aspects.


We decided to use the experience of RIGHTSTEP and approach the topic in a comprehensive way:


- develop as much as possible at the initial stage the target concept for the coordinated organization of new processes;


- synchronized scheduling functionality — run in stages, but "as early as possible", as data and settings are ready. Do not postpone this "for later" so that you do not have to review / redo related accounting processes;


— since work with many products begins with design and technological development (including the approval of the technical specifications with customers), try to include these preparatory "redevelopments"in the controlled cycle;


— to increase the efficiency, accuracy, accuracy and convenience of working with stocks of their movement in MTO and production, as well as, where necessary — at the level of shop staff, — use digital input tools and portable touch devices (tablets, prom.terminals, barcode scanners).


It is clear that among the goals of the project-there are "traditional" for us — reduction of WIP, more accurate and transparent "meeting the deadlines of orders", more accurate compliance with the adopted policy in the field of MTO reserves, etc.


In general, among the expectations of the BORMASH management are the right accents that allow us to focus on business development and technology organization, voiced as "increasing the autonomy of management" and "organized order in processes, synchronous and coordinated work of workshops, sites, designers, technologists and supply".


We believe that you have an excellent understanding of the goals and objectives of the SPM project. We support you and will try to help you!


At the moment, project teams have been formed, a survey has been conducted, and a "Target Design Solution"is being formed.


The project implementation time frame is both stressful and at the same time allows you to carefully work out the method.part of it, set up the implementation of processes, conduct staff training and joint preparation for launch.


Follow our news, and we hope to report on the results next year.