The configuration of the SCM system is designed for centralized production management of complex, long-cycle products, the components of which are produced by distributed sites (factories), with developed and complex inter-factory cooperation, with the purchase of materials and PKI from external (outside the contour factories) suppliers.
Конфигурация SCM системы предназначена для централизованного управления заказами на производство сложных, длинноцикловых изделий, составляющие части которых производится распределенными производственными подразделениями компании (заводами), при развитой и сложной межзаводской кооперацией, с закупкой материалов и ПКИ у внешних (вне заводов контура) поставщиков.
Centralized supply chain planning
Modeling of production/supply plans
- Modeling of general production plans and their analysis by parameters: release dates, loading / reloading, volume of WIP and purchased stocks, operating expenses, production site. WIP and purchase stocks, operating expenses, production site.
Unified information space
"Supplier-consumer "
Inter-factory cooperation
Centralized purchases
Competence Centers (CPCs)
- Release planning Assembly units with determining the place of production, based on capacity utilization, cost, and transport leverage.