2021. beginning. Rightstep winter and spring projects: JUST SPACE


To share:

Autumn and winter were very active for Wrightstep. We completed the projects that started in 2019-early 2020, tried to have time to implement the planned significant functional and technical improvements of the SPM, and at the same time tried (and succeeded!) manage the preparation and start of new projects.


The expected "pent-up demand" has occurred, so we have a lot of work ahead of us now and in the future.


RSC Energia ZEM

Today, on April 12, we are pleased to personally congratulate the staff of RSC Energia Corporation on the occasion of the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight!

For us, Rightstep is a very significant event. Because we are starting cooperation with the legendary Experimental Machine Building Plant in Korolev! We will try very hard to make it strategic. It is necessary to really help improve both the speed and accuracy and flexibility of the planning system, production control.


Of course, based on the methods and tools of SPM and our already accumulated "aerospace" experience.


Preliminary diagnostics have been completed, and the main goals and objectives have been set and agreed upon. We have mobilized the best forces. Let's go!

Colleagues from RSC Energia and ZEM RSC, we sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and will try to justify your trust!


Yu. A. Gagarin KnAAZ (SUKHOI)

Today we also congratulate the staff of another company named after the first cosmonaut!

This is not without reason: SUKHOI aircraft are the pride of our aircraft industry. We, Rightstep, believe that we can be proud of the fact that just recently we put into operation the Lean ERP SCMo system at KnAAZ in full: we completed the stage of "Launching production and supply management", which turned out to be very stressful for us.


Planning, due to the huge nomenclature, complexity of "products", multi-division, long horizons, etc. - very difficult. And the performance of the algorithms implemented and debugged by us on the project is simply uniquely outstanding.


Итак, есть переход на промышленную эксплуатацию! Мы подписали соответствующий договор сопровождения и приступили к поддержке и обеспечению развития СПМ. Результаты проекта высоко оценены в управляющей компании — в холдинге СУХОЙ, activities started on the development of centralized planning and management of production and logistics chains in general for all enterprises involved.

2021г. НАЧАЛО. Зимние и весенние проекты Райтстеп: ПРОСТО КОСМОС

OKB Kristall

The first year of industrial operation of the SPM turned out to be comparable to another (of course, less complex) full-fledged project. As part of the maintenance agreement — we have completed a whole range of additional work in the 2020s.

First, of course, the rules of interaction, coordination and coordination of the work procedures themselves were formalized on the basis of the standards adopted at the enterprise and in Wrightstep, to ensure the smooth operation of the 1st and 2nd support lines.

Что в итоге хочется отметить важного и интересного, реализованного в течение первого года сопровождения?

Благодаря «обратной связи» от грамотных специалистов-производственных менеджеров завода, а также сотрудников развивающегося на базе ИТ-службы «центра компетенции по СПМ»:

  • A special extended course of seminars was held for specialists of the enterprise, with the issuance of appropriate certificates based on the results of preparation,
  • Implemented more "fine-grained" planning (for loading the power of a bottleneck, using and" tuning " the MRP-c algorithm),
  • In the SPM configuration, special "counters" for the passage of redevelopments are embedded, and their use is implemented for maintaining ratings/anti-ratings for iterations of product delivery ("presentation of OTC"),
  • Additional forms of operational indicative monitoring "what is happening" (for managers),
  • Проведены работы по развитию интеграции СПМ c PDM-системой завода, с активным использованием / поддержкой Rest API СПМ,
  • Other interesting developments have been completed and planned.

Moscow factory of high-precision weapons

Точность и надежность. Внимание к каждой мелочи. Контроль на всех стадиях, ответственные испытания для получения максимально достижимого качества и безотказности. Без каких-либо компромиссов!

This is the approach to work and the properties of the output. factory of ultra-high-class sports pneumatic and hunting weapons. Подход, привычно-знакомый нам по сотрудничеству как раз с авиа-космическими компаниями. НАШ подход.

Завод МЗВО активно развивается. Руководители пришли к решению: «Нам необходима система управления, соответствующая нашим принципам: ориентированная на быструю и точную, согласованную работу и управленцев и конструкторов и производства, при этом — выполнение заказов точно в срок». По этим критериям — явное совпадение базовых принципов с the concept of creating fast SPM businesses.

So, we are starting a new project to implement a configuration "packed" to meet the needs of growing machine-building and instrument-making plants SPM Start. На МЗВО уже мобилизована «команда развития СПМ», и мы строим взаимодействие изначально на принципе максимальной ее поддержки. Включаем форсаж, ждите результатов уже в этом году!


JMP projects "on the launch pad"

In spring and summer — we are preparing to launch several more projects together with a number of companies. We don't mention any names yet, but we will indicate the industry segmentation:

  • Machine-building plant for the production of special complex equipment / installations for process production


  • Manufacturer of processing equipment


  • Aviastroenie / capital repairs of aviation equipment.

We are preparing thoroughly: we have hired new experienced employees, provide training in the methods and functions of SPM, our "proprietary" methods of rapid proactive project implementation. We have built a roadmap for further "tuning" our IT platform, as well as for the functional expansion of SPM modules. In accordance with the priorities of both these projects and the realities of market demand.

Congratulations to all of Rightstep's partners, employees, and friends. All those who are not indifferent to the aerospace industry.


Your Rightstep Team